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Chevron amethyst has alternating purple amethyst and white quartz that formed in zigzag layers. The name comes from the French chevron (“rafter”), after the pointed shape.  The patterning is caused by periodic changes in its growing environment. Trace amounts of iron color the amethyst and microscopic fluid or gas inclusions make the quartz appear white.  We may have Brazilian, Madagascan, and Moroccan chevron amethyst. Both the Brazilian and Madagascan tend to be equal parts purple and white but the latter also includes smoky quartz. The Moroccan is primarily purple.

Chevron Amethyst Freeform

  • Work to burn away any blockages around your passion. In order to move forward and pursue your dreams it is necessary to acknowledge and address your fears that are standing in the way. Only you are stopping you from what you want to do! 

    💗 With Love , Chevron Amethyst

    This message comes with love and wisom from the Crystal Devas - Fire Agate, Creativity


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